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“The Colonel” clone donor steer


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Hugely Popular Steer
2005 American Royal
Exhibited by Tiffani Pruitt

Interesting note: The Colonel and Kemosabe were both cloned from steers that showed in the same class at the 2005 American Royal…colonel won the class and kemosabe was 2nd.
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Spring Borns


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I updated our website with new pictures of our spring borns, we have 
some nice Monopoly heifers. This heifer is probably the best heifer 
we have this spring, she is a Monopoly x Charolais Donor. This is the 
donor we are flushing to Tiger Woods for fall calves. Check out the 
website when you get a chance.
Jared Grell

Arne & Ann Low


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Tiger Woods x Mojo steer
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Monopoly Steer Raised by Oakley Kershner


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This is a Monopoly steer that Erica Langholff from Wisconsin is showing, we saw him at the Pioneer Showdown. Shea Geffert sold the steer. This steer and  Daniel Hornung’s market heifer are full sibs.Look for this calf at the Wisconsin State Fair! Good Luck Erica and Shea.