Jeff Laus Pasture Sale (Armour, SD)


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13 of 26 calves on Jeff's Sale sheet sired by Monopoly. Jeff also has the big butted Colonel that was pictured on blog last spring. Great set!
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Gruhn Tiger Woods


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Current Bid $4000
John Gruhn 7127901826
Sells Monday
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Pro Tour and Northwest Iowa Pasture Sales


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Nissen-Matthews-Johnson, JBR (Brad White), and Ryan Knudson all have deeps groups of calves including excellent Monopoly prospects. Sales close September 12th.
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Weaver Show Cattle


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Hereford Marked Monopoly
Wild colored and good enough to show as a crossbred.
Nick Weaver 712.870.1634
Gabe Weaver 712.251.4499

Jim Stowater Pasture Sale (Washta, IA)


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Jim's Group has one of deepest set of calves we've seen on the trip. They are already weaned, and they are darn stout! If you get close to the Sioux City area make a point to stop in.

Jim Stowater 712 251 7031
Curt Ehlers 712 830 5478
Jarrett Beeson 712 490 6192
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Don Healy Pasture Sale (Vail, Iowa)


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Tag #92
Heatwave x Maine
Current Bid $8,000
This steer is sure to make it to the winner's circle some day!
Don Healy 7122651050
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