From 8144426156


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Champ comm heifer n 3rd overall. Heat Wave
Sold by Grauer n Stoltz
Ohio Beef Expo

From David Bradford


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3rd overall and champ chi steer. march madness, Albert Lea, Mn. HeatWave x Whomadewho. Raised by Hellbush. Sold by Bradford. Shown by Justin Blumer

Ohio Beef Expo


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Reserve Grand Champion Steer

2011 Ohio Beef Expo
Shown by Heintz Family
Sired by Milk Man

2011 Ohio Beef Expo Steer


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Grand Champion Steer

2011 Ohio Beef Expo
Sired by Heat Wave
Shown by Heintz Family
Sold by Dunk/Winegardener
Raised by Scott Hellbusch

Sneek A Peek


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Champion cross sryacuse. Heat Wave. Shown by Tyler Peterson. From John Stoltz

Sneek a Peek


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Ch maine.Steer Cigar dam. Shown by Beau Bremer.
From John Stoltz