From Chris Terembes:
Tiger Woods sold out at VIrginia Beef Expo. Breeders loved their calves this spring!
Sidwell Hay & Cattle (Gill, Colorado)
Tiger Woods x Average Full blood Chi appearing cow
Curtis Sidwell (970.302.8588) described his Tiger Woods calves as the biggest positive surprise of the calving season. “Even when bred to a TH clean cow, they have that hairy, big boned TH look to them.”
Tiger Woods is the leading Clean bull on the market this spring. Talk to those who have used him. They are re-ordering. Semen Available through Matt Lautner Cattle, Cattle Visions, and Executive Sires
Check Blog
The "News From the Road" just turned 1 year old on April 16. A new term since has entered into the club calf vocabulary, "check blog." 2200 blog posts and over 690,000 page views later there seems to be a new blog being created daily. If you would like your new blog posted on ours, send your URL info to Matt Lautner. Thanks.
Rookie Bull Reviews
Dirty Harry 2 has been working exceptionally on TH carrier females for raising both steers and heifers that look to be highly marketable. Safe for second calf heifers and beyond from a calving standpoint. Resulting progeny are Maintainer registration eligible. For first hand breeder review contact Kent McFarland (765.969.0477) of Lewisville, Indiana. Kent sampled Dirty Harry 2 in 2010 and this year increased his order to 20 units. His standout within the Dirty Harry 2 sire group was a Dirty Harry 2 x Shorthorn blue roan heifer.