pretty cool pic in the picture pen trying to get a monopoly steer’s ears with a monopoly hat
Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods is easily the most predictable and consistent THF/PHAF on the market. Don’t take our word for it, talk to anyone that has previously used Tiger, they are re-ordering (proof is in the pudding). “Tiger Woods is the only colorful bull we recommend for TH carrier cows, and we have purchased calves this spring sired by Tiger Woods (money where our mouth is)”
Reserve Grand Champion Heifer
2011 Austin, Minnesota
Tiger Woods x Meyer
Sold by Habeger
Raised by Jaws
Raised by Jaws
Shown by Weber
Weber’s are now on board the Monopoly train with their 2011 spring breeding decisions.
Our Two Simmental Maternal Breeding Options
Next Big Thing
Purebred Simmental Maternal Bull
Outcross to the Macho and Dream On Simmental Bloodlines
Semen: $30/straw
With the amount of semen being sold on Meyer 735 we saw the need to add a purebred thf/phaf simmental bull to our growing line-up. Thanks to Ryan Dunklau for giving us the opportunity to be involved with this tremendous proven sire.