MLC March 2 Daily Update From MLC!


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MLC March 2 Daily Update From MLC!

1. Superman & Make A Wish Semen Now Available Thru Matt Lautner Cattle Office @ 515.391.9540

2. Micah Dorsey Outstanding Oklahoma Youth Expo Sized Dakota Gold x Milk Man Steer Sells Tomorrow In Live Auction In Shallowater, Texas

3. Goldie Locks x Ice Pick Baby Calf Pictured From Davin Jacquez Of New Mexico

4. Nick Schroeder Monopoly 7 x Char Calf In Northwestern Ohio! Look For Him Featured This Fall At Schroeder Show Cattle

5. 50% Maine Anjou Black Power Play MLC’s Top Seller So Far This Month During Early Bird Semen Special. Call/Text MLC Office To Order For Shipment

Call/Text Matt Lautner Cattle Office At 515.391.9540 To Order Semen For Shipment During Early Bird Special Pricing Period