Just purchased a Bojo market heifer and a Maverick breeding heifer from Scott. Look for these standouts in our fall sale!
Cory Colman Warsaw, IN (574.527.2276)

We were in Indiana the first 10 days of April and while in Warsaw area we stopped in at Cory Colman’s. Cory and his wife run a small cow herd, and have one of the best Heat Wave cows in production that we have ever seen. Cory just emailed me these shots of a few of his calves. If in the market for high quality county/state fair level cattle we highly reccommend you give Cory a call. 1.)Dam: Hard Core Whiskey 2.) Dam: Heat Wave Donor 3.)Hard Core x Irish Whiskey
Grasstime Sale (Wahoo, Nebraska)
Just got off the phone with Chris Buetler (402.380.8244) and he is very excited about this Tiger Woods calf that sells this saturday. Direct quote from Chris: “He is the best calf in the group of 125 cow/calf pairs and his mother is the worst cow in the group!” http://www.bbbcattle.com/
We will be attending the sale so bring your tank to get Tiger Woods semen. Semen orders have quadrupled in the last 2 weeks as word has spread on the power and consistency of Tiger Woods similar to his daddy, Monopoly.