One Time Shown, One Time Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer! #FirstOfManyForNGNG #NoGutsNoGlory #MLCSires #MostConsistentSireOfThisGeneration

Michelle LautnerUncategorized

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One Time Shown, One Time Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer! #FirstOfManyForNGNG #NoGutsNoGlory #MLCSires #MostConsistentSireOfThisGeneration

Show Judge: Ashley Judge

Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer
2020 Sioux Empire Farm Show
Shown By Matilyn Lautner
Raised By Tommy Matthews | Teril, Iowa
#MattLautnerCattle #LittleBigOne #ChristmasNight18’ #SC
Sired By No Guts No Glory
Out Of A Monopoly Dam
#MLSSires #BreedLautner

Call/Text Matt Lautner Cattle Office @ 515.391.9540 To Order For Shipmen Today #SameDayShippingAvail