News #MLCReporting #ThursdayAfternoon #SolarWinds

Michelle LautnerUncategorized

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#News #MLCReporting #ThursdayAfternoon #SolarWinds

This email was sent in to #MLCReports from a customer from the state of Washington

His home area bank sent out email alerting banking customers of the “Solar Winds” infrastructure management breach #UhOh #Joe


“Solar Winds” was used to breach 5 branches of government and was also the system used by the Dominion Voting System….Dominion has received massive scrutiny….both of these stories have received substantial news coverage if you follow certain channels….but zero coverage if you follow CNN & MSNBC

HistoryIsWatching #ThisIsAmerica #TakeAPrincipledStand

December 17, 2020
1:00 PM Central Time