New for 2011 Sire!!
Raised by Allan Kohlhaas Family (Lu Verne, IA)
Sire: Friction
Dam: Heat Wave x Sunseeker
Matt Lautner 515.450.2800
Allan Kohlhaas Family 515.341.2435
“Champ” descends from two dominating Iowa State Fair champions shown by Mandy Kohlhaas! His mother was Reserve Grand Champion Market Heifer at the 2009 Iowa State Fair and his grandmother was Grand Champion Market Heifer for Mandy at the 2007 Iowa State Fair! Talk about Cow Power!!!!! We will have our upcoming promotional flyer posted on the blog on wednesday! Needless to say we are trying to buy every great bull raised in the country this year and we strongly believe “Champ” fits into our growing 2011 bull line-up nicely! Look for “Champ” in Denver in January. We feel he will create quite a stir!