October 17, 2010 Adel, Iowa


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Our fall sale will be October 17, 2010 with bids closing at 6 P.M. This will be a telephone bid-off. For directions to the barn contact Matt Lautner 515.450.2800 or Charlie Wilson 563.219.0318

Cattle will be cataloged on breedersworldonlinesales.com but to bid you must contact Matt or Charlie personallly.

The sale catalog is now posted on http://mattlautnercattle.com/

Semen Orders


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Cattlevisions will also be handling Monopoly, Boardwalk, Tiger Woods and the rest of the Lautner bulls this fall.


Or Contact Matt Lautner to order directly:


2010 Tag 2


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Tiger Woods x Meyer
Breeding Heifer
Chi/Foundation Simmi (Illinois)