Ohio Beef Expo “Maine Man” pre-paid semen list (8 AM)


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Sign up sheet that will be set out at 10:00am EST

Pre-Paid customers orders will be filled first this spring in the order in which they signed up

To pre order semen on Maine Man contact:

Matt Lautner 515.450.2800

Josh Greiner 515.460.3398


From John Stoltz


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Monopoly Steer. Prolly is one of the best calves we have ever raised. Hairy huge bone and foot stout. Here to play ball.

Drawing Number 1


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Winner: Eileen Hess (Bradford, OH)
Pictured with John Trihus

$500 Cash

From John Broders


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Hey Matt #751 mother of several high selling strs. Including Calf. State Fair Champ had a solid black Monoply hfr.. Will b hard 2 part with . She is good!