From Jenna Brower


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Finally got a Monopoly cap. I think I otta frame it. Collectors edition! Tell Chance and Josh thanks.

From Dana Hall (Nebraska)


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thanks for stopping by today. here is a picture of the tiger woods x bunny heifer at 1 day old. we'll get her washed and clipped when we finally get some warmer days and send a picture of her then too. happy easter!

From Dusty Rich


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Those legs under there belong to a smokin Tiger Woods outta her. Oh yeah, Burke says he NEEDS MLC semen like Oprah needs cake!

Our Reply:
Tell Tim we be there Monday. Thanks D Rich.


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From Josh Greiner
Greg Walker order (Tuttle, Oklahoma)
30 Boardwalk
10 Monopoly
10 Monopoly 2

From Raymond Gonnet


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Congratulations to the Miller family on Grand Champion Steer at the 2011 Bashaw Prospect Show!! This steer was raised by John Gruhn of Iowa and sold by Diamond G Cattle Co.!! Today’s win keeps his undefeated streak going at 4 in a row!!