From Seth Miller – MLC Illinois Semen Representative


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Hey Matt, Just thought i would get ya a bio for the blog to let all those Illinois followers know I will be driving around making deliveries this spring. I am a native of northwest ohio where my family raises club calves. This year we raised the new promotional bull Walkie Talkie. I just finished up my show career last year showing competitive throughout ohio and the midwest for the past couple years. I am graduating from Lake Land College this spring with an Ag Transfer/Animal Science Degree. I was also a member of the livestock judging team the past year and got to see a lot of top notch operations here in Illinois and across the country. I’m ready to hit the road selling semen and checkin out calves here in Illinois in April and May. Give me a call if you got any questions.  


 Seth Miller – 419-553-0139

Monopoly Steer

Reserve Grand Champion Steer – Michigan Beef Expo

Shown By Seth Miller  Walkie Talkie

Raised By Miller Family Show Cattle – Ohio