From Kurtis Reid – Canada


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 Here is a list of the current and newly added reps in Western Canada. Find us on Facebook and Twitter! Please call for availability of bulls, MLC Canada is here to stay and growing!

 Kurtis Reid  1 (306) 220-2226
TheCliffsFarm  105- 710 Gordon Rd  Saskatoon, SK > S7T 0J5  Alberta  – Ty Draves  780 871-4929  TyDraves –
Hal Nixdorff  403 852-9234  HalNixdorff   Saskatchewan
Tyler Smyth  306 750-8944 @SmythTyler  Ontario  
 Luke Boutilier  613 377-6884 

There is still a lot of demand and growth potential. Please call Kurtis to ask about opportunities for you to become a rep in Western Canada (Ontario west to British Columbia.