> Breeding Recommendations on DH2. Breed Dirty Harry 2 to heetseeker, heat wave, and other carrier daughters to make high end showsteers. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Vernon Wilen (701.378.2240) We ran up to Lehr, North Dakota and met up with Vernon Wilen. Vernon has a great set of Heat Wave 5’s. If in the market give Vernon a call!!
>Vernon Wilen (701.378.2240) We ran up to Lehr, North Dakota and met up with Vernon Wilen. Vernon has a great set of Heat Wave 5’s. If in the market give Vernon a call!!
"Buttercup"BOJO's mother (pictured front left) at home in Hereford, TX. She is co-owned by Brian Martin and Dustin Glover. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
> "Buttercup"BOJO's mother (pictured front left) at home in Hereford, TX. She is co-owned by Brian Martin and Dustin Glover. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry