The Matt Lautner $10,000 Challenge


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Matt Lautner Cattle is proud to issue the following challenge, open to anyone in the United States: Matt Lautner Cattle is betting that Monopoly will sire the most calves selling for $10,000 or higher during fall pasture sales held September 1 to October 1. If you think another bull will sire more calves selling for $10,000, you must name that specific bull by July 1. If you win, Matt Lautner Cattle will pay you $10,000. If you do bet against Monopoly, and lose, you only have to pay Matt Lautner Cattle $1,000. Entries Due July 1.

South Dakota


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We will be making one last run through South Dakota this weekend. We will have Boardwalk, Tiger Woods, and Monopoly semen available. To order call Matt: 515-450-2800.

Monopoly is Back!!


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After 100 days of confinement in a small pen with no excercise Monopoly went back to the stud today and he responded tremendously! His pelvic injury has improved and he no longer shows symptoms of a bull in pain. As our most recent ad illustrated, he is the most consistant and powerful bull in the world!! Monopoly easily will lead the pack next fall in pasture sales as far as high sellers that go on to be champions both in the steer and heifer ring. In our travels his genetic power was displayed at nearly every farm visit. To get …

New in 2011: Bodacious


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Name suggested by zak from Bodacious Raised by RB Angus (Curtis Rasmussen) Albion, NE

mooch: full member karma 12


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Boardwalk is currently being collected at Vogler Semen Center in Ashland, Nebraska. We are backordered on semen around 1000 units currently. ABS will not be recieving Boardwalk semen until July 1 so we may fill the orders of our retail customers before wholsale orders are shipped. Vogler Semen Center is rated as the best collection facility in Nebraska by Wayne and Barb Ohlrich’s from Norfolk, NE. Vogler Semen Center is owned by Les Vogler(402.450.2340)he and his staff have been exceptional to work with from a shipping and recieving standpoint. We look forward to housing a high percentage of our bulls …