Matt Deneui


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Thankful to be alive after this accident on May 9th Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Lennox, SD


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Sage Voegele Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monopoly line of genetics: selling like “hot cakes”


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We were in south dakota for approximately 44 minutes before we sold out on tiger woods, boardwalk, and monopoly. We will be back to south dakota next wednesday. Call Matt Lautner 5154502800 or Josh Greiner 5154603398 to reserve your semen.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Puppies for Sale


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Storm Lake, IA Ray Schable 7122992271Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

The Matt Lautner $10,000 Challenge


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Matt Lautner Cattle is proud to issue the following challenge, open to anyone in the United States: Matt Lautner Cattle is betting that Monopoly will sire the most calves selling for $10,000 or higher during fall pasture sales held September 1 to October 1. If you think another bull will sire more calves selling for $10,000, you must name that specific bull by July 1. If you win, Matt Lautner Cattle will pay you $10,000. If you do bet against Monopoly, and lose, you only have to pay Matt Lautner Cattle $1,000. Entries Due July 1.