Ryan Habeger (Burt, Iowa) 515.341.3083


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Ryan has accepted the Matt Lautner Challenge with modified terms. Ryan is betting on Heat Wave and his 11 clones that were in production in 2009 to sire more $10,000 dollar cattle than Monopoly from September 1 to October 1. We eagerly await this match-up!

Golf Outing Door Prizes


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Thanks to Cory Miller and ADM Alliance Nutrition for donating door prizes for the golf tournament!Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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May Traffic Report: Attitude Determines Altitude


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We were rated as the 12th most visited cattle website (mattlautnercattle.com) by cattle.com in May. Our blog is receiving twice the traffic as the website, so if you multiply our rating by 2 we actually would make the top ten for cattle internet traffic and Charlie thinks that is awesome!Keep in mind that commercial cattle websites are included in cattle.com stats… Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Summer Beef Expo day 2


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Reserve Grand Champion Market Heifer Exhibited by Daniel Hornung Sired by Monopoly Purchased from GeffertSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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