From Jake Campbell mattlautner March 7, 2011Uncategorized Spread the love!Goretska manager!!! Brett Aja Billy !!!!!!
Tipton, IA mattlautner March 7, 2011Uncategorized Spread the love!From Zack ColbertChamp mainetipton day 2Tyler Gradertheat wave X frictionbred by denny taylor
From Adam White mattlautner March 7, 2011Uncategorized Spread the love!> In someone's yard near Lancaster Wi.
From Jenna Brower mattlautner March 6, 2011Uncategorized Spread the love!Sale pen is empty! Those monopoly calves are easy movers!!
Champion Chi Steer mattlautner March 6, 2011Uncategorized Spread the love!Shown by Lacey LauterbachSired by Jimmy the Greek
Grand Champion Steer mattlautner March 6, 2011Uncategorized Spread the love!Shown by Gracie RussellOut of a Heat Wave CowSold by Goretska
Reserve Grand Champion Steer mattlautner March 6, 2011Uncategorized Spread the love!Shown by Cole LarsonSired by Heat Wave Sold by May / ReimannRaised by Spencer Vance
4th Overall Market Animal mattlautner March 6, 2011Uncategorized Spread the love!Shown by Callie BurnsSired by Red ZoneSold by GoretskaRaised by Toby Cooper
3rd Overall Market Animal mattlautner March 6, 2011Uncategorized Spread the love!Shown by Tyler TrihusSold as Tag 23 on our 2010 saleRaised by Oakley Kershner