2011 Houston Livestock Show (Houston, Texas)


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Grand Champion Steer Shown by Koby Long Sired by Paddy O Mally Raised by Dave Allen —- Reserve Grand Champion Steer Sired by Jimmy The Greek Raised by Korky Wise —- Both Steers sold by Bonham Show Cattle & Bobby Maddox & SB Cattle Thanks Bobby Maddox for info on steers Grand Drive —Photos Courtesy of SB Cattle

Alabama State Steer Show Picture


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Grand Champion Market Steer 2011 Alabama State Market Steer Show Shown by Kate Johnson Sold by John Maples Sired by Monopoly Check http://www.showcalves.com/ as Maples have another outstanding set of Monopoly’s that sell at the end of the month.

Congrats Jerrod Arthur


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Reserve Grand Champion Steer Alabama State Show Sired by Monopoly Raised by Glover Sold in Jerrod Arthur’s sale last year as lot 15Shown by Pinion Family

Monopoly Semen Evaluation


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Monopoly (Pictured: March 2, 2011) Evaluation of Monopoly semen collected on March 10, 2011 Evaluation of Monopoly semen collected March 7, 2011 —– These are the two collections of Monopoly semen we will be bringing to the Ohio Beef Expo next Thursday thru Sunday (March 17th-20th). To reserve your semen from a specific collection date contact Matt Lautner at 515.450.2800

Alabama State Market Steer Show (March 11, 2011)


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(Pictured is the Grand Champion from 2010 Houston, also sold by Maples) Grand Champion Market Steer 2011 Alabama State Show Sired by Monopoly Sold by Maples (Selected Grand Champion over approximately 130 Entries in show) Visit Maples website at http://www.showcalves.com/ — Monopoly semen available thru Matt Lautner Cattle @ $75/straw. Monopoly semen available for $50/straw when purchased in combination with another Matt Lautner Cattle bull.

From Chris Allen (Colorado)


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Calving going awesome really like what Jimmy the Greek is kicking out. Uno Mas’s good. Hows supply of Bodacious holding up. I need at least 50 units. Maybe enough for all 200 of my cows. He is phenomenal.