Ohio Beef Expo Cash Give-away


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Cash Drawing Number 1: Today at 2:00 PM (eastern) The first drawing will have the least amount of names, therefore offers the best opportunity to win! Call before 2:00 to place your order. Thanks!

Spring Sensation


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Monopoly x PB Simmi Heifer (full sib embryos sell) Matt, Wanted to urge everyone to take a look at our online sale hosted by Breeders World. Several rare genetic opportunities & a few excellent live lots. Bids open next Monday (21st) & close the following day-Tues., March 22nd. Definitely worth the look! Link: http://www.maxanet.com/cgi-bin/mndetails.cgi?hunker19 Thanks, Zach Gray (Illinois) (815.545.1498)

From Judd Thomson


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Matt, Judd thomson with thomson club calves. Got first two calves last week. Jesse james and monopoly. Thick stout hairy. Cant wait for the rest! Great buys!