Got our first tiger woods yesterday. She is hairy, stout, n big bones. Tiger Woods x Mossy Oak. BS Show Cattle
High Volume of Blog Posts
We have blogged a high volume of posts this weekend, to make sure you are up to date on all of the coverage of the Ohio Beef Expo, Oklahoma Youth Expo, Iowa Falls, and Sneek a Peek shows click on the “older posts” tab at the bottom of the page. Congrats to all the exhibitors who showed a Lautner sired calf this weekend. Look for the highlights from March 19th and 20th in our May advertisements in the Show Circuit Magazine.
Oklahoma Youth Expo (Oklahoma City, OK)
The World’s Largest Junior Livestock Show —- Grand Champion SteerShown by Stultz FamilySold by Dustin GloverRaised by Dan YoungSired by Monopoly —- 3rd Overall SteerShown by Kyra StierwaltSired by MonopolyRaised by Scotten Brothers (Missouri) —-Champion Maine Steer Raised by Tad Kite Sired by Monopoly Sold by Jerrod Arthur —- Champion Char Steer Sold by Tad Kite Sired by Alias Raised by Rodney Venable —- Champion Limi Steer Raised by Glover Sired by Jimmy the Greek