Test Post 5


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That same Newington crowd had more to celebrate two innings later, when the Indians scored the go-ahead run, then shut down the Blue Knights to secure what may go down as one of the most disputed state titles in Connecticut history. If nothing else, the finish served to reinforce an old Little League axiom that is still just as important at any other level of baseball.


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Hey Matt,Just wanted to say thanks for the added exposure on the blog yesterday. It was much appreciated.Thanks,Kolby Heaven


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From Cory Thomsen

From Crystal Cattle Blog


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Hey Matt,  Wanted to let you know that the url for my blog has changed to www.crystalcattle.blogspot.com. If you could update your blogroll that would be great.  I’l be working on more Blog Tutorials. I hope they have been helpful to you and your readers. Crystal aka Crystal Cattle 

From JT Weber Family Show Cattle


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Heat Wave Heat Wave Heat Wave Tiger Woods Tiger Woods JT Weber Family Showcattle (Minnesota)  Calves Sell Tuesday, September 20th 2011