“Lead on the Bright Side” is a short, inspirational book comprised of
“feel good” stories that will motivate you to reach new heights. Order
your copy today!
Order Hardcopy Here! http://www.bolemanpublishing.com
*Kindle Version* (you may have to copy and paste the link) –
*Nook Version *(you may have to copy and paste the link)
Order @ctboleman book LEAD ON THE BRIGHTSIDE-Order today at:
For more information, feel free to contact Chris Boleman at ctboleman@gmail.com
Thanks to Dr. Boleman for taking time away from his preparations for the 2013 Texas 4-H Roundup to offer his one of a kind perspective on youth development as it pertains to show cattle (Fluffy Cows)
We really like the title of his first book “Winners Don’t Whine, They Hustle” and I am currently reading his second book “Lead On The Brightside”
Thanks Again Dr. Boleman,
Matt Lautner