3 of a kind

Made to Order
Lueking Emmerson Donor
February 2018
84 Pounds
Registration: 397391 (6.2% Chi)
Registration: 498548 (25% Maine)
Out of Taylor Lueking’s legendary Emmerson donor that has generated over $230,000 in revenue in her short career so far. Full brother to multiple past champions across the show circuit including Abi Henderson’s many time champion market heifer from the 2019 show season. Three Of A Kind is the first Made To Order son that you can use to add foot size and muscle to matings. We like the added look and style that Made To Order cattle bring to the show ring and are excited to see what this powerful young sire will return in future years. The biggest and best selection of THF/PHAF sires at MLC, order early demand has been overwhelming.