#MiniMovie #YoungGuns #AttemptedCoupOf2020

Michelle LautnerUncategorized

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#MiniMovie #YoungGuns #AttemptedCoupOf2020 The Schiff Gang Is Trying To Run Down TheTrump Gang For The 4th Time In Trump’s First Term HistoryIsWatching #StopTheSteal #FightForTrump #Satire

Sidney Powell Releases 270 Page Document On Foreign Interference In 2020 Presidential Election On Saturday Night #December26

Michelle LautnerUncategorized

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New #Bigly Sidney Powell Releases 270 Page Document On Foreign Interference In 2020 Presidential Election On Saturday Night #December26 270 Page Document Link:https://wpcdn.zenger.news/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/24190822/2020-12-23-Sidney-Powell-Team-Binder-ZENGER-NEWS.pdf GiveItALook #Big #CredibleSources #Yes Let me give you a list of clients for Sydney Powell and Lin Wood -Nicolas Sandman (won a tens of millions of dollars lawsuit against CNN for slander) -Richard Jewell (falsely prosecuted for Atlanta Olympic park bombing, later won lawsuit) -General Michael Flynn(Falsely charged with Logan Act violations & perjury trap…recently exonerated, he will win a $100 million+ lawsuit against the US government) They are both quite outspoken….which does make them different from …

You are not going to enjoy the “Trump won” parties that will be held nearly as much as the group of Patriots I interact with everyday

Michelle LautnerUncategorized

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I can promise you if you wait til the day this election is over turned towards the lawful winner (President Trump)…. You are not going to enjoy the “Trump won” parties that will be held nearly as much as the group of Patriots I interact with everyday MakeYourVoiceHeard #OnSocialMedia #Everyday #FightForTrump #StopTheSteal HistoryIsWatching

#BombingSuspect #Nashville #VideoOnLocation

Michelle LautnerUncategorized

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BombingSuspect #Nashville #VideoOnLocation Id say the alleged bombing suspect home address has been located in Bakertown Rd district in Southeast Nashville, Tennessee #MilitaryPresence WillTheFBI #ProsecuteThisCriminal?? #WillPoliticalAffiliationMatter??

OneOfHistorys #GreatSpeakers

Michelle LautnerUncategorized

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OneOfHistorys #GreatSpeakers Paul Harvey’s 1965 “If I Were The Devil” Remastered For 2020 Events! #Enjoy #GoodDay Paul Harvey’s 1965 “If I Were The Devil” Remastered For 2020 Events! #Enjoy from Matt Lautner on Vimeo.