General Lee Sires Another Champion Steer At Tipton FFA March Madness Jackpot This Weekend | Call/Text Matt Lautner Cattle At 515.391.9540 To Order 50% Maine Anjou General Lee Semen For Shipment


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Reserve Grand Champion Steer 2015 Tipton FFA March Madness Shown By Malory Mattson | Albert Lea, Minnesota Raised By John Broders | Nebraska Sold By Matt Lautner Cattle, Blake Heideman, James Knudsen Sired By General Lee #BreedLautner —- Call/Text Matt Lautner Cattle At 515.391.9540 To Order 50% Maine Anjou General Lee Semen For Shipment Grand Champion Steer | Ring B 2015 South Dakota State University AGR Jackpot Shown By Grant Vickland Raised By Bryan Krumbach Sold By Ryan Johnson, Paul Grace Sired By General Lee #BreedLautner

Remembering Todd Hensley | Obituary Submitted By Mat John


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ANDERSON, INDIANA — George “Todd” Hensley passed away peacefully early Sunday, March 22, 2015, following a brief bout with an aggressive cancer. He was surrounded by family & friends who saw him jovial to the end. Todd was blessed with a wit that is exceptionally rare. He never failed to transform the mundane into a memorable occasion. His countless hilarious stories punctuated by his infectious, ridiculous laugh are forever etched in the memories of those who were lucky enough to have known him. His incredible personality made him a natural salesman in the software industry by day, but he was …