From Jacob Tusa – Texas


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“Thought you would like this” -Tusa Johnny Football Blues Video – See Johnny Football The Bull In Denver

Monopoly 4


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Semen Available On The Outstanding Fall Born Clone To Monopoly Semen Orders Will Be Filled In Order They Were Received Paul Clapp’s Favorite Clone To Monopoly

Cell Pic – Money Ball


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Money Ball – Raised By M Lazy Heart Ranch – Wyoming – Monopoly Money x Hairy Bear/Heat Wave

From Leslie Polzin – Minnesota


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> Would you please be able to put this up on your blogs. These embryos sell on the Embryos On Snow Sale in Denver on Friday > Leslie Polzin, Owner > Cell: 320-282-2497 > Website: > EOS13-single (Page 04).pdf EOS13-single (Page 05).pdf