From Steve Weigandt – CO


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Hey Matt could you post this sweet unstoppable steer I have for sale and my number. Thanks Steven Weigandt 9705766013

From Cathy Schmitz – North Dakota


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Hey it’s Cathy Schmitz. Just wanted to let u guys know that our sale is on line at It ends on Sunday. Please call with any questions.

Stewart Show Cattle – Nebraska


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Monopoly x Hide N Watch Worth the drive! Just a reminder that Stewart Show Cattle’s sale ends September 23rd. Come check us out! Stewart Show Cattle Wisner, NE Jeff: 402-518-0643 Sale Ends Sept. 23rd

From Steve Gouker – Arizona


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This is a Monopoly heifer out of my Went donor cow. We sold 4 full sib calves last fall for $5,425 average. All four calves have placed high at state or county fairs, including one Reserve Grand in New Mexico, and one fifth overall fat steer at the Missouri State Fair. Any chance you could post a picture of this heifer on your website? She was the reserve grand heifer at our county Fair. I am offering her for sale through private treaty. I am a Monoploy fan – we had Reserve Grand Market Steer this year with a Monopoly …