From Dana Hall – Nebraska


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We have videos of some of the calves up on the website if you’re interested in taking a look. The boardwalk calves look good and so do the Tigers. Website there is a link for videos there or they can be viewed by going to Hope all is well with you. Thanks Dana

Club Calf Paradise – Denison, Iowa


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Monopoly steer selling on Club Calf Paradise 2012. Owned by Chris and Kareen Vaught. Selling at Nelson Cattle Company, Denison, Iowa. Labor Day Weekend throught September 16, 2012

From John Broders – Nebraska


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Just wanted to let everyone know calves are ready for viewing anytime at 54233 hwy.12 , Bloomfield Nebr. 68718. They can call me at 402-640-0883 for pictures and any other info. THANKS