Sire Directory – Early Bird Special – Drawings For Denver Bull Display Banners


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Open publication – Free publishing – More ai sires All Semen Orders Called In To Matt Lautner Cattle Between March 1 – March 15 are eligible for $4 break on $25 bulls. This is an Ohio Beef Expo promotion, but all semen orders qualify from any state. The Maine Man, and I-80 are the only bulls not eligible for the discount. Offer ends on March 15, call today!! Matt : 515.450.2800 Josh : 515.460.3398 All Semen Orders Placed With Matt Lautner Cattle Between March1 – March 17 qualify for drawings for our bull banners, drawings will be held at our …

Canada Semen Sales – Ad Critique – From Robert Zerebeski, Canada


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Lose the picture of the mountains which takes up a third of the page, As a Canadian I would like to see more cattle pictures of bulls which are available in Canada. I would suggest a background from Canada’s major cattle show Agribition. An Agribition back ground always associates the cattle with the elite cattle champions. Note: I have been looking to use steer sires and have 51 bred to monopoly this year.

Canada Semen Sales – Ad Critique – From Justin VanDeWoestyne, Canada


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hey matt, its great to see you’re branching off into the canadian market. times are very exciting in the cattle industry and especially in the club calf industry. in the past we have been, what seemed to be lightyears behind, as far as sourcing club calf genetics in canada. until the past couple years we have been able to access fresh and more popular genetics. which is great as the clubby thing is starting to grow rapidly. im lookin forward to using the great bulls you have to offer. its a breath of fresh air, and a great sign that …

Canada Semen Sales – Ad Critique – From Jeremy Wyche, North Carolina


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Matt, Here’s a thought on the new ad. Move “MLC Goes” above the mountains and have “Canadian” below the mountains with the exclamation point being the Canadian flag. The add just seems a little bottom heavy and this might spread it out a little. Maybe list the prices of some high sellers from the most popular lines somewhere on the add. Money always grabs peoples attention. Good add, and I’m sure our neighbors to the north will have the same outstanding results everyone in the US has using MLC bulls. Thanks, Jeremy Wyche

Canada Semen Sales – Ad Critique – From Colton Scott


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I apologize, I posted this as a comment rather than emailing you. Here it is again if you don’t want to post the comment. How would it look with the MLC Goes Canadian above the mountains. What about changing it to MLC Canada and making the apostrophe white like the lettering. Leave the MLC as block and Canada in script. Might have the lettering like the Maple Leaf Flag rather than the flag in the background. Hope this is helpful! Colton Scott

Canada Semen Sales – Ad Critique – Matt Simpson


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Hey Matt, Saw on your blog you were looking for suggestions about your Canadian ad. Thought maybe putting some of the proven bulls along with champs sired by them, maybe do a two sided ad. Everyone in America knows about how proven all of your bulls are, but im not sure they would through out Canada. So seeing all of the pics of champs on the ad just might entise them to highly consider your line of bulls. Other than that the ad looks really good along with the bulls! Plan on breeding everything to Lautner bulls this year. -Matt …

Canada Semen Sales Ad – Critique – From Coleman Nixdorf, Canada


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The ad looks great and its nice to know some of your newer semen will be available up here in canada. Things have been getting a lot more competitive up here in the last two years and its good to know we will be able to compete with the boughten calves with home raised calves out of mlc sires. One thing you may want to add is a maple leaf and maybe make the lettering a little bit bigger and bolder. Coleman Nixdorff – Canada

From Levi Richards – Ohio


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Hey Matt this is a Heatwave 5 x Wazn’t Me heifer. If you end up going through NW Ohio this spring she’d really be worth your time to see. Thanks, Levi Richards Sent from my iPhone