Buchanan County Fair – Iowa


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Grand Champion SteerBuchanan County Fair Shown by Jordyn BurcoRaised by TreinenSired by Monopoly Reserve Grand Champion SteerShown by Dustin BurcoRaised by TreinenSired By Monopoly From Pete Burmeister – IowaSaw the Buchanan County posting on your blog, thought u might wants the pics to go with. Later.


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From Rick Humphrey at Okoboji, Iowa 


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SOLD TO COLORADO!Monopoly x High % Maine Raised by Charlie LongFor Info Contact Jared Bedwell 580-822-5761

From Tim Mitchell – Iowa


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Floyd County Fair Champion Market Heifer and Overall Champion Market Animal Shown by Zach Mitchell Raised by Gary/Justin DeBower(Charles City) Sired by Hairy Bear Matt, This is the market heifer we sent a pic of a couple of weeks ago that has been doing well in the IJBBA circut.  Zach’s brother, Drew, won Grand Champion Breeding Animal at the Floyd County Fair with a Monopoly Chi Heifer from NIACC in Mason City.  I will send a picture in a day or so. Tim Mitchell

Nebraska County Fair


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Champion market heifer colfax county, nebraskasired by monopoly raised by ryan wentshown by helds