From Phil Halbach


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 Matt, Got the first calf of the season sold and pictured Monopoly/261 Char Donor  Sold to Anthony Monroe & Rod Beeler. He will sell on their “The Titanium 10” Labor Day Sale


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Hey matt this is austin wolf from michigan. That picture is the arsitocrat cow u liked when u visited. Embryos by milkman and wmw available. Also pregnancys and flush opportunities as well. 517-401-0370



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Monopoly, Tiger Woods, and Dirty Harry 2 calves at Jason Smith’s in Virginia. Contact Jason at (703) 472-5569 or Chris Hawver at (304) 661-1328

Boardwalk Steer


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> Here is a picture of that Boardwalk Steer that you liked.> Cory Altena