Hauke/Forsythe Monopoly Steer full sibs for sale


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Many Time Champion in Ohio in 2010-2011 Shown by Clayton Wildermuth Sold by Goat Monopoly x Total Solution Donor Raised by Hauke/Forsythe full brothers sell in Southern Ohio Smack Down Sale for info contact: Kirk Forsythe (937.402.8263)

Schedule for Friday, April 8, 2011


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We are a half day behind schedule. Currently located in Zanesville, Ohio heading west. This will be our last day in Ohio. Starting tomorrow we will be in Indiana on Saturday and Sunday. Call to reserve your selections or schedule a farm visit 515.450.2800

Cattle Visions and Midwest Genetics


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Matt Lautner semen order line: 515.450.2800 Spring time is here! We are delivering and shipping semen every day. Matt Lautner Cattle prefers to sell directly to the breeders across the country. However if you choose to order your semen through a multi-breed retail semen distributor we are proud to announce that Cattle Visions and Midwest Genetics has the exclusive for Matt Lautner Cattle bulls. If your spring semen order includes a Matt Lautner bull in combination with another bull that we do not own, then we encourage you to give Lance Ellsworth (Cattle Visions) a call at 573.819.3626 or Tim …

From Jim Baughmann


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Hey thanks for coming today dad and I enjoyed it plan to come next year hope to have 50 boardwalks and monopolys on ground also if you would send me 4 or5 of those hats both those other guys I got semen for asked me if I got them a hat have a good trip and thanks again for the semen

From Powers Cattle


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You posted our Troubadour x Heat Wave bull for sale yesterday and as of today at noon he is sold for the exact $ we were asking. Wow thanks a bunch!! Can’t wait do more business with a guy that means business! Keep up the awesome work.Thanks,  Powers Cattle