From Tyler Hahn (Kansas)


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This is Tyler Hahn (Kansas), saw Monopoly 2 today. Looked GREAT! Send me 20 units to Trans Ova in Iowa.

From Wade Fisher (Ideal Video Productions)


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Matt, I was surfing this morning and came across your blog as I do fairly often. I just wanted to drop you a note and congratulate you on the success that you have in the way of followers and fans of your blog. With each post and comment you develop more and more of a connection with your customers, fans, and friends. Congrats, Wade Fisher Ideal Video Productions

From Cory Coleman


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Just dropped check in the mail for semen you dropped off over the weekend. Thanks again for stopping by. Ur welcome any time on the farm. Safe Travels. From Cory Coleman (Indiana)

From Dr. Wes Keller (Illinois)


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What's that new smokey bull you've got pictured on the blog? I was gonna use some smoke and mirrors on some colored cows….might have to change those plans now. Our Reply:Troubadour x Heat Wave. He's darn stout.

Nevada, Iowa


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Champion Crossbred Steer Nevada, Iowa Sired by Monopoly Shown by Josh Carlson Raised by Pete Hunter Sold by Phil Halbach (Picture from Fort Dodge, Iowa) Reserve Crossbred Shown by Hannah Carlson Sired by Monopoly Raised by Greg Recknor Sold by Phil Halbach (Picture from Fort Dodge, Iowa)