All calves pictured are sired by Heat Wave clone/Heat Wave and were featured on blog this spring. Most serious breeders will have a healthy dose of Heat Wave clone and Monopoly in their cows. Those bulls help pay the mortgage. They sell high, they win, some of the most competitive families will only feed a Monopoly or Heat Wave. Heat Wave clone semen available: $30/straw Monopoly $75/straw Monopoly Clone $25/straw Contact Matt Lautner 515.450.2800
Exclusive Distributors
Matt Lautner semen order line: 515.450.2800 (Click on Executive Sires Logo to View Blog) Spring time is here! We are delivering and shipping semen every day. Matt Lautner Cattle prefers to sell directly to the breeders across the country. However if you choose to order your semen through a multi-breed retail semen distributor we are proud to announce that Cattle Visions, Midwest Genetics and Executive Sires has the exclusive for Matt Lautner Cattle bulls. If your spring semen order includes a Matt Lautner bull in combination with another bull that we do not own, then we encourage you to give …