From Bubba Vogel (Ohio)


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700 Decatur Pike…Winchester,Ohio…45697..Thanks Buddy calves lookin damn i mean damn Gooood that Eyes Heifer and the Leroy Brown are really comin

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All calves pictured are different, no repeat champions from 2011. Representing 67 breeders and 90 different show families.


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From Glen Toews (Kansas) OK sounds good. I got a bigger order than I told u last night. Is that ok? Our reply: Yes

From Gene Bledsoe (Oklahoma)


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Matt,     If you guys come through Oklahoma, you need to come by and look at my DH2 bull calf. He is the real deal. All the DH2 calves are good but this guy is probably the best calf I have raised to date. Gene Bledsoe 918.605.1900 Our Reply Sounds good. We will be by Oklahoma Beef Expo week.  Thanks.