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From Brad Smith (Iowa) Jesse James better than Dirty Harry 2's? Our Reply:JJ's Safer for first calf monopoly and heat wave heifers. Dirty Harry 2 is a better overall bull for 2nd calvers and beyond. Brad Smith: K thanks 4 ur time. I will b talking 2 u.


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From Chris Ford: Here is my order when you stop!! 60 Monopoly 40 bodacious 20 heater 10 Monopoly2 10 bojo 5 boardwalk 5 Monopoly money 5 unstopable

Super Cow 143 Mossy Oak x Simm


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Lake View Cattle Mother to many champions including 2011 Iowa Beef Expo Grand Champion Steer shown by Larson Family 402.746.4301 Full Brothers and Maternal Brothers for sale

Nebraska Semen Contact: Dave Stoltz (402.709.7412)


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Dave Stoltz is carrying Matt Lautner Cattle bulls this spring. As always Dave will be covering Nebraska looking for cattle for his fall club calf sale. He is not a paid agent of Matt Lautner Cattle but he offered to carry our bulls. Matt Lautner Cattle past semen customers can still expect their farm visit from Matt Lautner or Josh Greiner. Dave will be focusing on just his home state of Nebraska, so if you have an order call it in to Dave directly. If you are a past customer of Matt Lautner Cattle, call in your order at anytime …