From Steve White (Ohio)


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I flushed a Cerveza/Platinum to Monopoly. I have the best calf i have ever raised on the ground and 7 others that are awesome with 7 more to calve out of this same flush, thats why i called and ordered more Monopoly from you today. We going to stick with what works and flush her back! -Steve White

From Andrew Blackford


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Alias x Heat Seeker steer prospect Pictured at 3 weeks of age Andrew Blackford Blackford Club Calves 217-213-1010

Ohio Beef Expo


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Click on the “Ohio Beef Expo” tab at the top of the page for details regarding Ohio Beef Expo and semen availability this spring.

From Jamie Limes


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Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Heifer 2011 Ohio Scarlet & Gray Showdown (Ring B) Columbus, Ohio Shown by Jamie Limes Sired by Monopoly Out of a Purebred Simmental Cow – Pictured in Louisville Ben Meriwether Photography (334.279.7663)