From Beau Brock


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This is a May Heat Wave X Total Play Granddaughter Ft. Worth Sized.Beau Brock(806) 543-2171

Chillicothe, MO


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Reserve Chi SteerShown by Callie MawsonSired by MonopolySold by HueberRaised by Scottie "2 Hottie" James

Tipton, IA


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3rd Overall Breeding HeiferRaised and Sold by Adam WhiteShown by Piffer Family

Chillicothe, MO


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Reserve Market Heifer5th OverallShown by Burns FamilySold by GoretskaRaised by Toby CooperSired by Rrd Zone

Chillicothe, MO


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Grand Champion SteerShown by Larson FamilySired by Heat WaveSold by Reimann/May

Chillicothe, MO


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3rd Overall SteerShown by Lacey LauterbachSired by Jimmy the Greek Sold as tag 22 on our 2010 saleRaised by David Pithan

Chillicothe, MO


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Champion Market Heifer (4th Overall)Shown by Tyler TrihusSold as tag 23 on our 2010 saleRaised by Oakley Kershner